Having obtained a strong basis during the first year of the Master's in Medical informatics, the second year allows you to tailor the programme to your own personal preferences and skills. We offer two elective tracks: AI for Health and Sustainable eHealth Solutions. As an alternative to these elective tracks, it is also possible to follow 18 EC worth of courses at other master programmes. Note that for students who started the master programme in February it is not possible to follow an elective track and still finish the master in two years; instead, you will have to follow courses at other master programmes (or accept a delay of 6 months).
Universiteit (wo)
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Aantal eerstejaars studenten
Master of Science

Beoordeling Medical Informatics aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam

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Aantal studenten

Aansprakelijkheid en verzekering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Aarde, Economie en Duurzaamheid (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Aardwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Accountancy (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Accountancy (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Accountancy (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Accountancy and Control (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Accountancy and Controlling (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Accounting and Control (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Accounting, Auditing and Control (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Action Learning MBA (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Actuariële Wetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Health Informatics Practice (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Master in Energy Law (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Master in Privacy, Cybersecurity and Data Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Master Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management LL.M. (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Master Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management M.Sc. (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Nursing Practice (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Studies in Air and Space Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Studies in European and International Business Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Studies in European and International Human Rights Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Studies in International Children's Rights (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Studies in International Civil and Commercial Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Studies in International Dispute Settlement and Arbitration (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Studies in Law and Digital Technologies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Studies in Law and Finance (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Studies in Public International Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Advanced Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Aerospace Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

African Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Afrika Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Afrika Studies (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Agribusiness Development (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Agricultural Production Chain Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Agrotechnologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Allround Creative Concept Developer (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

American Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Animal Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Animal Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Animatie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Anthropology and Development Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Applied Artificial Intelligence (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Applied Data Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Applied Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Applied Earth Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Applied Mathematics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Applied Mathematics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Applied Museum and Heritage Studies (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Applied Nanotechnology (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Applied Physics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Applied Science (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Arabische Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Arbeidsrecht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Archeologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Archeologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Archeologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Archeologie (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Architecture, Building and Planning (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Architecture, Cities, Landscapes: History and Heritage (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Architectuur (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Artificial Intelligence (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Artificial Intelligence (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Artificial Intelligence (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Artificial Intelligence & Engineering Systems (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Arts, Literature and Media (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Astronomy (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Automotive (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Automotive Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Autonome Beeldende Kunst (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Aviation (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Azië Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Azië Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Azië Studies (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bachelor of Business Administration (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bachelor of Business Administration in Fashion (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bachelor of Nursing (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bedrijfs- en Consumentenwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bedrijfskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bedrijfskunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bedrijfskunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bedrijfskunde en Agribusiness (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bedrijfskunde in Deeltijd (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bedrijfskunde MER (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bedrijfskundige Informatica (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bedrijfsrecht (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Begeleidingskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Behavioural and Social Sciences (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Behavioural Science (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bekkenfysiotherapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Beleid, Communicatie en Organisatie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bestuurskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bestuurskunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bestuurskunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bestuurskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bestuurskunde/Overheidsmanagement (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bèta-gamma (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bewegingswetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bewegingswetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biobased Materials (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biobased Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bio-Farmaceutische Wetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bio-informatica (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bioinformatics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biological Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biologie en Medisch Laboratoriumonderzoek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biomedical Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biomedical Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biomedical Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biomedical Technology and Physics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biomedische Technologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biomedische Technologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biomedische Wetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biomolecular Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biosciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biosystems Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biotechnologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biotechnologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Biotechnology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bos- en Natuurbeheer (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bos- en Natuurbeheer (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bouwkunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bouwkunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bouwtechnische Bedrijfskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Brain and Cognitive Sciences (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Built Environment (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Burgerschap en Kwaliteit van Samenleven (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Administration (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Administration (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Administration (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Administration (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Administration Entrepreneurship (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Analytics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Analytics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Analytics and Operations Research (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Economics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Engineering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Information (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Information Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Information Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Information Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Innovation (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Intelligence and Smart Services (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business IT & Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Process Management and IT (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Business Studies (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cabaret (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Chemical Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Chemical Science & Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Chemie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Chemische Technologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Chemische Wetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Chemistry (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Chemistry (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Chemistry (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Child Development and Education (research master) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Chinastudies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Choreografie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Circular Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Circus and Performance Art (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Circus Arts (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Civiele Techniek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Civiele Techniek (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Civil Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Civil Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Civil Engineering and Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Climate Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Clinical and Developmental Psychopathology (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cognition, Language and Communication (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cognitive Neuropsychology (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cognitive Neuroscience (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Commercial Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Commerciële Economie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Commerciële Economie & Ondernemerschap (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Communicatie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Communicatie- & Informatiewetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Communicatie- & Informatiewetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Communicatie en Life Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Communicatiewetenschap (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Communicatiewetenschap (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Communication and Multimedia Design (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Communication Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Communication Science (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Communication, Health and Life Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Community Development (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Complex Systems Engineering and Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Computational Cognitive Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Computational Science (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Computational Social Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Computer Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Computer Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Computer Science (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Computer Science and Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Computer Security (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Computer Vision & Data Science (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Computing Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Computing Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Conflict Resolution and Governance (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Conservering en Restauratie van Cultureel Erfgoed (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Construction Management and Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Content & Media Strategy (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Contextuele Benadering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Controlling (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Corporate Communication (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Creative Business (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Creative Intelligence & Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Creative Media (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Creative Media and Game Technologies (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Creative Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Criminal Investigation (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Criminologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Criminologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Crisis and Security Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Critical Care (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Crossover Creativity (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cultural Anthropology: Sociocultural Transformation (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cultural Geography (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Culture, Organization and Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cultureel Erfgoed (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Culturele Antropologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Culturele Antropologie en Sociologie der Niet-Westerse Samenlevingen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cultuurwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Curriculumontwikkeling voor Primair Onderwijs (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Customs and Supply Chain Compliance (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cyber Security (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Cyber Security Engineering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Dans (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

DAS Creative Producing (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Data Driven Business (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Data Science (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Data Science and Society (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Data Science and Society (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Data Science for Decision Making (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Data Science for Food and Health (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Data Science in Business and Entrepreneurship (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Data-driven Design (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Design Driven Innovation (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Design for Interaction (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Development and Rural Innovation (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Development and Socialisation in Childhood and Adolescence (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Development Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Development Studies (M.A.) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Dier- en Veehouderij (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Diergeneeskunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Diergeneeskunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Diermanagement (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Digital Business and Economics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Digital Business and Innovation (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Digital Design (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Digital Driven Business (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Digital Society (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Digital Technology Engineering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Digital Transformation Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Docent Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Docent Dans (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Docent en kennismanager Dienstverlening en Producten (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Docent en Kennismanager Groene Sector (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Docent Hoger Gezondheidszorg Onderwijs (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Docent Muziek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Docent Theater (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Drug Discovery Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Duitse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Earth and Environment (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Earth Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Ecology and Evolution (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Econometrics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Econometrics and Data Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Econometrics and Management Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Econometrics and Mathematical Economics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Econometrics and Operations Research (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Econometrics and Operations Research (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Econometrie en Operationele Research (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Economic and Financial Research (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Economic Geography (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Economics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Economics and Business (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Economics and Business Economics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Economics and Strategy in Emerging Markets (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Economics of Competition and Regulation (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Economics of Public Policy and Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Economie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Economie en Bedrijfseconomie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Economie en Beleid (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Educatie en Communicatie in de Bètawetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Educatie en Communicatie in de Mens- en Maatschappijwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Educatie en Communicatie in de Taal en cultuurwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Educatie en Communicatie in de Taal- en Cultuurwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Educatie in de Mens- en Maatschappijwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Educatie in de Taal- en cultuurwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Educatieve Master Primair Onderwijs (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Educatieve Master Primair Onderwijs (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Education and Child Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Education and Child Studies (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Educational Leadership (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Educational Needs (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Educational Science and Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Educational Sciences: Learning in Interaction (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Electrical Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Electrical Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Elektrotechniek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Embedded Systems (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Embedded Systems Engineering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Energy and Climate Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Energy and Environmental Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Energy for Society (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Energy Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Engelse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Engineering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Engineering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Engineering and Policy Analysis (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Engineering Systems (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

English Language and Culture (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Entrepreneurship & Innovation (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Entrepreneurship (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Environment and Resource Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Environment and Society Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Environmental and Energy Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Environmental and Infrastructure Planning (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Environmental Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Environmental Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Environmental Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Environmental Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Epidemiologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Epidemiology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Erasmus Mundus Master Journalism, Media and Globalisation (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Erasmus Mundus Master's Program in Public Policy (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Erfgoedstudies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Erfgoedstudies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Joint Master's in Strategic Border Management (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Law in a Global Context (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Law School (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Law School (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Master in Health Economics and Management (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Master in Law and Economics (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Master in Renewable Energy (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Master in Sustainable Energy System Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European MSc in Occupational Therapy (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Politics and Society: Vaclav Havel Joint Master Programme (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Private Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Public Affairs (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Public Health (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Studies (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Studies (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

European Studies on Society, Science and Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Europese Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Europese Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Europese Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Europese Studies (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Europese Talen en Culturen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Evangelical Theology (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Evidence Based Practice in Health Care (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master in Business Administration (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master in Cultural Leadership (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master in Finance (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Accountancy (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Actuarial Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Business Administration (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Business Valuation (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Finance and Control (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Finance and Control (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Health Administration (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Information Management and Digital Transformations (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of IT-Auditing (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Management and Organization (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Management in Education (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Marketing and Customer Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Operations and Supply Chain Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Public and Non-profit Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Real Estate (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Science in Insurance & Risk (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Science of Auditing Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Security and Defence (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Master of Tactical Policing (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive MBA (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive MBA (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive MBA: Leading with Purpose (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive MSc Senior Docent Ontwerpen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Executive Officemanagement (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Facility and Real Estate Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Facility Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Farmaceutisch Consulent (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Farmaceutische Wetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Farmacie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Farmacie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Farmakunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Fashion & Textile Technologies (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Film (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Film en Audiovisuele Media (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Film- en Literatuurwetenschap (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Film en Televisie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Filosofie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Filosofie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Filosofie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Filosofie ( research ) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Filosofie van Cultuur en Bestuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Filosofie van een Bepaald Wetenschapsgebied (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Finance (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Finance & Control (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Finance & Investments (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Finance and Control (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Finance, Tax and Advice (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Financial Business Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Financial Economics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Financial Services Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Financieel Recht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Fiscaal Recht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Fiscaal Recht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Fiscaal Recht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Fiscaal Recht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Fiscaal Recht en Economie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Fiscale Economie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Fiscale Economie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Food and Business (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Food Commerce & Technology (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Food Innovation (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Food Quality Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Food Safety (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Food Systems Innovation (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Food Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Food Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Forensic Psychology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Forensic Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Forensica, Criminologie en Rechtspleging (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Forensisch Laboratoriumonderzoek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Forensisch Onderzoek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Forensisch Sociale Professional (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Forensische Criminologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Forest and Nature Conservation (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Franse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Future Planet Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Fysiotherapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Fysiotherapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Fysiotherapie en Innovatie in beweegzorg (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Fysiotherapie en Wijkgerichte Beweegzorg (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Fysiotherapie in de Geriatrie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Game Technology (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Geneeskunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Geneeskunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Geneeskunde en Klinisch Onderzoek (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Geneeskunde, klinisch onderzoeker (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Genes in Behaviour and Health (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Geo Media & Design (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Geografie, Planologie en Milieu (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Geographical Information Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Geo-information Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Geomatics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Geschiedenis (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Geschiedenis (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Geschiedenis (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Gezondheid (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Gezondheid en Leven (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Gezondheid en Maatschappij (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Gezondheidsinnovatie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Gezondheidsrecht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Gezondheidswetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Gezondheidswetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Gezondheidszorgpsychologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

GGZ- Verpleegkunde (GGZ-V) (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Global Business & Sustainability (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Global Challenges for Sustainability (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Global Criminal Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Global Executive MBA (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Global Health (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Global Health (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Global Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Global Project and Change Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Global Responsibility and Leadership (University College Fryslân) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Global Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Global Supply Chain Management and Change (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Global Sustainability Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Global Sustainable Business Management (joint degree) (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Globalisation and Development Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Globalisation and Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Governance and Leadership in European Public Health (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Governance of Sustainability (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Griekse en Latijnse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Hartfunctielaborant (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

HBO - Rechten (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

HBO-ICT (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Health Care and Social Work (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Health Economics, Policy and Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Health Education and Promotion (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Health Food Innovation Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Health Informatics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Health Innovation (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Health Professions Education (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Health Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Health Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Health Sciences (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Health, Ageing and Society (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Healthy Ageing Professional (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Hebreeuwse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Herbronning Gereformeerde Theologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

History and Philosophy of Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Hogere Managementopleiding voor de Mobiliteitsbranche (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Hotel & Event Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Hotel- en Eventmanagement (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Hotel Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Huidtherapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Human Decision Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Human Development (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Human Geography (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Human Geography and Planning (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Human Geography and Planning (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Human Movement Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Human Movement Sciences: Sport, Exercise and Health (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Human Movement Sciences: Sport, Exercise and Health (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Human Resource Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Human Resource Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Human Resource Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Human Resource Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Humanistiek (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Humanistiek (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Humanities (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Human-technology Interaction (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Hydrology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

ICT in Business and the Public Sector (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Imagineering, Master in Business Innovation from the Experience Perspective (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Imaging Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Individual Differences and Assessment (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Industrial and Applied Mathematics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Industrial Design (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Industrial Design (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Industrial Design Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Industrial Design Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Industrial Ecology (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Industrial Engineering and Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Industrieel Ontwerpen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Industrieel Product Ontwerpen (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Infection and Immunity (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Informatica (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Informatica (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Informatica (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Informatics (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Informatie en Communicatie Technologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Informatiekunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Informatierecht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Information Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Information Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Information Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Information Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Innovatie in Zorg en Welzijn (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Innovation & Leadership in Education (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Innovation Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Innovation Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Innovative Dairy Chain Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Innovative Textile Development (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Integrale Bedrijfsvoering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Integrale Veiligheid (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Integrale Veiligheidskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Integrated Product Design (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Interaction Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschap (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschap (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Interdisciplinary Arts (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Interdisciplinary Business Professional (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Interieurarchitectuur (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Interior Architecture (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Interior Design (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Internationaal Toeristisch Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International and European Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International and European Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International and European Tax Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Bachelor's Programme in Communication and Media (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Business (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Business (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Business (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Business & Entrepreneurship (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Business Administration (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Business and Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Business Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Business Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Business Taxation (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Commercial Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Communication (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Communication Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Crimes, Conflict and Criminology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Criminal Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Development Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Development Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Development Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Development Studies (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Economics and Business (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Economics and Sustainable Development (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Event Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Executive Master of Finance and Control (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Finance (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Financial Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Food & Agribusiness (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Full-Time Master of Business Administration (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Hospitality and Service Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Hotel and Hospitality Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Joint Master of Research in Work and Organizational Psychology (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Land and Water Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Land- and Water Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Laws (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Leisure, Tourism & Events Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International MBA (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International MSc in Business Administration (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Public Management and Public Policy (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Relations and Diplomacy (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Supply Chain Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Tax Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Teacher Education for Primary Schools (ITEps) (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

International Teacher Education for Secondary Schools (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Internationale betrekkingen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Internationale Betrekkingen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Internationale Betrekkingen (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Internationale Betrekkingen en Internationale Organisatie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Internationale Communicatie en Talen (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Internationale Ontwikkelingsstudies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Islam en Arabisch (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Islamitische Geestelijke Verzorging (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Islamitische Theologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

IT Audit, Compliance & Advisory (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Italiaanse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

IT-recht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Japanstudies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Jeugdrecht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Jeugdzorg (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Journalistiek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Keltische Talen en Cultuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Klinische Gezondheidswetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Klinische Technologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Klinische Technologie (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Koreastudies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Krijgswetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Kunst- & cultuurwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Kunst- & cultuurwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Kunst- & cultuurwetenschappen (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Kunst en Economie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Kunsteducatie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Kunsteducatie (joint degree) (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Kunsten, Cultuur en Media (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Kunstgeschiedenis (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Kunstmatige Intelligentie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Kust en Zee Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Kwaliteit en Veiligheid in de Patiëntenzorg (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Kwaliteitsmanagement (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Laborant Klinische Neurofysiologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Land- en Watermanagement (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Landscape and Environment Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Landscape Architecture and Planning (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Landschapsarchitectuur (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Landschapsarchitectuur en ruimtelijke planning (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Latijns Amerika Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Latijns-Amerika Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Latijns-Amerika Studies (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Latijns-Amerikastudies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Law & Finance (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Law & Society: Governance and Global Development (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Law and Economics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Law and Politics of International Security (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Law and Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Law in Society (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leading Hotel Transformation (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Learning & Innovation (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Learning and Development in Organisations (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Learning and Development in Organisations (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Legal Research (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leisure & Events Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leisure and Tourism Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Aardrijkskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Algemene Economie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Bedrijfseconomie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Biologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Duits (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Engels (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Frans (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Fries (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Geschiedenis (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Godsdienst (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Maatschappijleer (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Natuurkunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Nederlands (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Scheikunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Voorbereidend Hoger Onderwijs in de Bètawetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Voorbereidend Hoger Onderwijs in de Mens- en Maatschappijwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Voorbereidend Hoger Onderwijs in de Taal- en cultuurwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leraar Wiskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Leren en Innoveren (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Letterkunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Letterkunde (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Liberal Arts and Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Liberal Arts and Sciences (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Liberal Arts and Sciences (University College Maastricht) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Liberal Arts and Sciences (University College Roosevelt) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Liberal Arts and Sciences (University College Utrecht) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Lichamelijke Opvoeding en Sportpedagogiek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Life Science and Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Life Science and Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Life Science and Technology (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Linguistics and Communication Sciences (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Literatuur en Samenleving (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Literatuurwetenschap (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Logic (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Logistics Engineering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Logistics Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Logistics Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Longfunctieanalist (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Luchtvaart- en Ruimtevaarttechniek (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Luchtvaarttechnologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management and Innovation (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management en Innovatie in Maatschappelijke organisaties (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management in de Zorg (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management of Development (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management of Innovation (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management of Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management Payroll Services (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management Publieke Sector (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management van de Leefomgeving (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management van IT (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management, Cultuur en Verandering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management, Economics and Consumer Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management, Economie en Recht (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management, Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in the Health and Life Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Management, Society and Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Manuele Therapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Marine Biology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Marine Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Maritiem Officier (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Maritieme Techniek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Maritieme Techniek (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Maritieme Techniek / Scheepsbouwkunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Maritime Economics and Logistics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Maritime Innovations (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Marketing (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Marketing (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Marketing Analytics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Marketing Communicatie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Marketing Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Marketingmanagement (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Choreografie (joint degree) (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Circulaire Economie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master City Developer (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Compliance and Integrity in International Military Trade (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Design (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Digitale Technologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Educational Leadership (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master in Consultancy and Entrepreneurship (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master in Controlling (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master in Health Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master in International Business and Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master in International Supply Chain Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master in Structural Engineering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Kinderfysiotherapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Legal Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Leiderschap en Innovatie Kind en Educatie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Leiderschap in Onderwijs (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Military Strategic Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Arts in Fine Art and Design (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Arts in Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Arts Therapies (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Business Administration (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Business Administration (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Business Administration (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Business Administration (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Business Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Crisis and Public Order Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Financial Management and Control (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of International Hospitality Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Music (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Music Therapy (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Pipeline Technology (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Real Estate (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Science in Policing (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Science in Real Estate (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Strategic Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master of Urban and Area Development (joint degree) (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Scientific Illustration (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Specialized Physical Therapy (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Sport- en Bewegingsonderwijs (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Systemisch werken met Jeugd (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Master Urban Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Materials Science and Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Mathematics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Mathematics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Mathematische Wetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

MBA in International Business (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

MBA Innovation & Leadership (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Mechanical Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Mechanical Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Mechatronica (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Media en Cultuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Media en informatie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Media, Kunst, Design en Architectuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Mediastudies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Mediastudies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Mediastudies (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Medical Biology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Medical Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Medical Humanities: geesteswetenschappelijke en geneeskundige perspectieven op zorg en gezondheid (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Medicine (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Medisch Beeldvormende en Radiotherapeutische Technieken (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Medische Antropologie en Sociologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Medische Hulpverlening (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Medische Informatiekunde (wo)

Drempelloze toelating
If you have obtained the Bachelor Medische informatiekunde or a Bachelor Bèta Gamma, major Medical informatics at UvA-AMC, please follow the steps below to apply for this programme.

Medische Natuurwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Medische Psychologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Mens en Techniek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Mental Health (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Methodology and Statistics for the Behavioural, Biomedical and Social Sciences (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Midden-Oosten Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Midden-Oosten Studies (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Midden-Oostenstudies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Migration, Ethnic relations and Multiculturalism (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Milieukunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Milieu-natuurwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Militaire Bedrijfswetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Militaire Systemen & Technologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Military Technology, Processes and Systems (MTPS) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Minorities & Multilingualism (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Moleculaire Levenswetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Molecular Life Sciences (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Molecular Life Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Molecular Life Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Molecular Mechanisms of Disease (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Molecular Medicine (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Molecular Science and Technology (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Molecular Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Mondzorgkunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Multidisciplinary Economics (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Musculoskeletale Echografie voor Fysiotherapeuten (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Musculoskeletale Revalidatie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Muziek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Muziek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Muziektherapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Muziekwetenschap (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Nanobiologie (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Nanobiology (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Nanoscience (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Nanotechnology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Natuur- en Sterrenkunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Natuur- en Sterrenkunde (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Natuurkunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Natuurwetenschap en Innovatiemanagement (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Natuurwetenschappen en Bedrijf (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Nederlandkunde/Dutch Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Nederlands Recht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Neerlandistiek (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Neerlandistiek (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Neerlandistiek (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Neurorevalidatie en Innovatie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Neuroscience (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Neuroscience and Cognition (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Neurosciences (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Next Level Engineering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Nieuwgriekse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Noord-Amerika Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Notarieel Recht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Notarieel Recht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Nutrition and Health (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Occupational Health and Sustainable Work (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Ocean Technology (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Offshore and Dredging Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Oncology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Ondernemerschap (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Ondernemerschap & Retail Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Onderneming en recht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Onderneming en Recht (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Ondernemingsrecht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Onderwijs & Technologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Onderwijskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Onderwijswetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Onderwijswetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Ontwerpen van Eigentijds Leren (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opera (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Operationeel Leiderschap in Performing Arts (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Operations Management and Logistics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding Podotherapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding Tolk-Vertaler (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot Fysiotherapeut (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar Basisonderwijs (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot Leraar Nederlandse Gebarentaal (NGT) / Bacheloropleiding tot Tolk NGT (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot Leraar van de eerste graad in Lichamelijke Opvoeding (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de eerste graad in Godsdienst en Levensbeschouwing (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Aardrijkskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Algemene Economie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Bedrijfseconomie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in beeldende vorming (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Biologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Consumptieve Techniek I en II (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Duits (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Economie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Engels (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Frans (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Fries (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Geschiedenis (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Gezondheidszorg en Welzijn (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Godsdienst (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in het Technisch Beroepsonderwijs (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Maatschappijleer (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Mens en Technologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Natuurkunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Nederlands (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in omgangskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Pedagogiek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Scheikunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Spaans (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Talen (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Techniek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Verzorging/Gezondheidskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Verzorging/Huishoudkunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot leraar voortgezet onderwijs van de tweede graad in Wiskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot Oefentherapeut (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot registerloods: Master in Maritime Piloting (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding tot Verpleegkundige (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding voor Ergotherapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Opleiding voor Logopedie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Optometrie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Oral Health Sciences (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Organisatie Coaching (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Organisatie- en Managementwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Organisatiepsychologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Organization and Management Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Orthoptie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Oude Nabije Oosten-studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Oudheidstudies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Oudheidstudies (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Oudheidwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Passend Meesterschap (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Pedagogiek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Pedagogiek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Pedagogisch Management Kind en Educatie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Pedagogische en Onderwijswetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Pedagogische Wetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Pedagogische Wetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Pedagogische Wetenschappen van Primair Onderwijs (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Performance Practices (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Performance, Sport and Health (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Performing Public Space (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Personal Leadership in Innovation and Change (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Personalized Medicine (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Personeelwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Philosophy, Politics and Economics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Philosophy, Politics and Economics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Physician Assistant (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Physics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Physics and Astronomy (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Physics and Astronomy (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Planologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Plant Biotechnology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Plant Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Plantenwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Policing (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Political Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Politicologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Politicologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Popular Culture (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Population Health Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Population Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Privaatrecht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Professional Master in Media Innovation (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Professioneel Meesterschap (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Project, Programma & Portfolio Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Projectmanagement (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Psychobiologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Psychologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Psychologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Psychologie en Geestelijke Gezondheid (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Psychology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Psychology & Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Psychology (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Psychomotorische Therapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Psychomotorische Therapie en Bewegingsagogie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Public Administration (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Public International Law (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Public Policy and Human Development (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Publiekrecht (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Real Estate Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Recht en Arbeid (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Recht en Bestuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Recht van de Gezondheidszorg (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Rechten (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Rechtsgeleerdheid (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Rechtsgeleerdheid (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Rechtswetenschappelijk Onderzoek (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Religiewetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Religious Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Research in Public Administration and Organizational Science (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Research Master Business Data Science (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Research Master in Economics (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Research Master in Economics and Business (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Resilient Farming and Food Systems (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Risicomanagement (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Risicomanagement (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Robotics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Robotics Systems Engineering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Romaanse Talen en Culturen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Russische en Euraziatische Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Russische Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Scandinavische Talen en Culturen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Scheikunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Scheikunde (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Scheikundige Technologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Science and Innovation (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Science Education and Communication (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Science, Business & Innovation (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Science, Business and Innovation (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Security and Network Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Security Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Security Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Serious Gaming (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Shipping and Transport (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Slavische Talen en Culturen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Smart Systems Engineering (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sociaal Recht en Sociale Politiek (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sociaal Werk (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sociaal-Juridische Dienstverlening (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Social & Health Psychology (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Social and Behavioural Sciences (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Social and Cultural Anthropology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Social and Cultural Science: Comparative Research on Societies (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Social Psychology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Social Psychology: Regulation of Social Behaviour (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Social Sciences (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Social Sciences for a Digital Society (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Social Work (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Social Work (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Social Work (joint degree) (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sociale Geografie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sociale Geografie en Planologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Society, Sustainability and Planning (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sociologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sociologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sociology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sociology and Social Research (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Software Engineer (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Software Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Soil, Water, Atmosphere (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sonologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Spaanse Taal en Cultuur (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Spatial Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Spatial Planning (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Spatial Planning and Design (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Spatial Sciences (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Spatial, Transport and Environmental Economics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

SPD Bedrijfsadministratie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Speech Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Speltherapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sport- en Beweeginnovatie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sport Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sportfysiotherapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sportkunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Statistics and Data Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Stedenbouw (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sterrenkunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Stochastics and Financial Mathematics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Strategic Entrepreneurship (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Strategic Events Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Strategic Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Strategic Product Design (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Strategy & Leadership (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Supply Chain Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sustainability Science, Policy and Society (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sustainable Energy Technology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Sustainable Entrepreneurship (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Systems and Control (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Systems Biology and Bioinformatics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

SZ (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Taal- en Cultuurstudies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Taalwetenschap (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Taalwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Taalwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Taalwetenschappen (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Talentontwikkeling en Diversiteit (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Tandheelkunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Tandheelkunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Tandprothetiek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technical Computer Science (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technical Medicine (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technical Medicine (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technische Aardwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technische Bedrijfskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technische Bedrijfskunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technische Bestuurskunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technische Informatica (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technische Informatica (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technische Innovatiewetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technische Natuurkunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technische Natuurkunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technische Wiskunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technology and Liberal Arts & Sciences (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Technology and Operations Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

The Berlage Post-master in Architecture and Urban Design (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theater (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theater (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theater (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theaterwetenschap (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theologie (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theologie & Religiewetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theologie & Religiewetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theologie & Religiewetenschappen (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theologie (Gemeentepredikant) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theologie Algemeen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theologie en Religiewetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Theology (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Toegepast Filosoof (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Toegepaste Biologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Toegepaste Fotografie en Beeldcommunicatie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Toegepaste Psychologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Toegepaste Psychologie voor Professionals (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Toegepaste Wiskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Toerisme en Recreatie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Toetsdeskundige (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Togamaster (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Tourism (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Tourism Destination Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Tourism Management (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Tourism, Society and Environment (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Transport and Supply Chain Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Trend Research & Concept Creation in Lifestyle (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Tuin- en Landschapsinrichting (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Tuinbouw & Agribusiness (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Tuinbouw en Akkerbouw (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Type and Media (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Urban Environmental Management (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Urban Management and Development (M.Sc.) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Urban Studies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Urban Studies (research) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Urban Technology (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Urban Water and Sanitation (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Vaktherapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Vaktherapie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Vastgoedkunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Verandermanagement (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Verloskunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Verpleegkunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Verpleegkundig Specialist / ANP GGZ (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Vertaalacademie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Vertaler Duits (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Vertaler Engels (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Vertaler Frans (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Vertaler Spaans (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Voeding en Diëtetiek (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Voeding en Gezondheid (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Voedingsmiddelentechnologie (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Vormgeving (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Vrijetijdwetenschappen (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Water and Sustainable Development (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Water Management and Governance (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Water Science and Engineering (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Water Technology (joint degree) (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Watermanagement (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Werktuigbouwkunde (hbo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Werktuigbouwkunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Wiskunde (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Zorg, Gezondheid & Samenleving (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Zorgethiek en Beleid (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Zorgmanagement (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Zuid- en Zuidoost-Aziëstudies (wo)

Students with Bachelor Medical Informatics or Bèta Gamma with major Medical Informatics may join the master directly. Students with other diploma's (lateral students) need to complete the conversion program(pre-master) before starting the master.

Bezoekadres en postadres

Universiteit van Amsterdam
Gebouw E, Roetersstraat 11
1018 WB Amsterdam (Amsterdam)